Back in the day, porn is only accessible by a few people in the form of movies played on tapes. This was changed completely when the internet becomes a free source of information including online pornography.
This is the age in which porn addiction becomes apparent. Everyone has an easy online access to porn, plus porn sites are popping like popcorns that even young children are able to access them.
Today, online pornography is a widely spread industry, and it is also the number one cause of porn addiction for many men both young and old.
There are numerous studies and surveys conducted regarding negative effects of porn addiction. Although there have been regulations set in the industry, it is not full-proof, and a large percentage of people has access to it easily.
Personally, I don't think there is an issue watching porn, but becoming addicted and exposed to it for a long time have certain negative psychological effects, particularly on actual sex performance.
I have seen a lot of people, particularly men asking questions if they are experiencing premature ejaculations, or are they having small penises.
Then, when asked how long they last during sexual intercourse, most of them have decent performance and over average size penises. However, they think they are performing below what their partner expects.
Additionally, being over exposed and addicted to porn may hinder one from engaging in a live encounter. They fear about their performance and instead resort to porn where there are no emotional attachments involved.
This is also a bad sign as it diminished the real and true essence of having sex where it involved intimate and passionate emotions.
These days, we've heard about casual sexism. Probably, this sexual encounter was born out of porn, maybe not, but taking a closer look at it and comparing it to porn, they resemble almost the same concept.
Psychological Effects Of Porn Addiction
The act of hyper-sexualizing, or to make extremely sexual, or to accentuate the sexuality on certain visually sexual such as the front cover of a magazine, the model, or superstar is made to look flawless.
This word did not just pop out of anywhere. It was always here. There just was not a defined word for it, in giving it a name, in other words it became real, a phenomenon and a serious social problem.
Premature Ejaculation
Majority of men who became porn addicts tend to develop premature ejaculation during actual sex encounters.
Usually, men who masturbated with porn do it in an evasive and hurried fashion. Constantly doing such way of masturbation leads to the development of rapid ejaculation, which is not good when one is involved with actual sex intercourse.
Creates Surreal Perceptions
Men who are addicted to porn movies, or short video clips online tend to feel envious on actors who have big penises and can last up to 30 minutes of sex without ejaculating quickly.
In addition, actors ejaculate large volume of semen, and when porn addicts cannot achieve the same thing, they feel inferior and look for some magical solutions in order to match what they have been watching.
Porn movies are made to make a good impression, just as producing movies for general audiences. Effects, camera angles, and fake semen are possible in movies. Hence, not everything appears in the movies are real, but those who are watching the movies perceived them as real.
Perhaps, this is one particular reason why lots of men are looking for shortcuts when it comes to increasing penis size. Sure, penis enlargement is a possible thing, and it has been proven to possible by many men who achieved great gains through the proper process.
However, there are no shortcuts on it, even using the combination of penis exercises along with devices such as penis extenders and hydro pumps.
On women, it has an effect, as well, making them behave like porn stars both inside and outside the bedroom.
Destroys The Real Essence Of A Relationship
Porn tends to eliminate the true essence that constitutes a healthy and happy relationships, which involve the emotional aspect of sex. Overtime, when a person views sex without emotion can be harmful and warp human sexuality to the extreme.
If this continues, humans may be comparable to animals where sex is everywhere, and upon the release sexual tension or urge, both partners walk apart as there was nothing happened between them.
You know what, I come to think that porn addiction has a significant contribution to prostitution. Furthermore, it results to a disposable mentality when referring to sexual relationships.
Induces Performance Anxiety
Unless both partners are porn addicts, one expects the same performance based on what he sees in porn. Plus, experiencing high levels of anxiety due to perceived poor performance is very common.
Knowing or basing performance on porn is different in real and actual sexual performance. While porn stars can last sex intercourse for more than half an hour, realistic sex can only last 5 to 13 minutes according to the study conducted.
Neglecting Foreplay
One of the most important aspects of a healthy and happy sexual relationship is foreplay. Besides actual sexual penetration, foreplay plays an important role in sex, plus it serves as an intimate bonding moment for the couple exploring more enjoyable sexual experiences.
Too Much Porn Can Lead To Erectile Dysfunction
Excessively watching porn can result to erectile dysfunction by desensitizing a man, and let him create certain scenarios wherein he become more interested watching and performing based on porn than being with his female partner.
Dr. Oz discussed this issue along with a panel of professionals or sexual health experts in an attempt to address the issue especially to those who are already affected. The panel of sexual health experts discussing with Dr. Oz include Sue Varma(Psychiatrist), Ian Kerner, PhD(Sexuality Counselor), and Dr. Andrew Kramer, MD(Urologist).
The Damage Caused By Internet Porn Addiction
The Stages of Porn Addiction
According to, there are 5 stages in which a person becomes addicted to pornography. Not every person who watches porn will become addicted to it.
In fact, there are those who sees porn will simply go away with toxic ideas about marriage, sex, women, and children. Porn is only a part of the addiction. Mostly, individuals who become addicted to it have a certain emotional opening that let the addiction germinate.
Stage 1 – Early Exposure
The majority of individuals who get porn addicted begin their exposure at an early age. At a very young age, they see and watch porn, and then later gets its foot into the door.
Stage 2 – Addiction
After a certain length of time exposed at an early age, addiction follows. It becomes a part of one's life and daily activities. The brain keeps craving to come back and watch porn. It takes its root, and it seems impossible to quit out of it.
Stage 3 – Escalation
Escalation begins later when letting the experience endure for a while, exploring more forms of porn graphics and this might include cartoon characters. At this stage, things can be disgusting when one is just starting to explore porn, but at this time, it excites an addict.
Stage 4 – Desensitization
If one continues and reaches this stage, he starts to become numb. Even with the most erotic visual representation, it is not enough to excite. Desperate to find new and exciting thrills, but cannot find it.
Stage 5 – Acting out sexually
Men reaching this stage of addiction may make a risky jump and begin acting out sexually by moving from plastic and paper images towards the real world.
How To Stop A Porn Addiction
Tips On Going Through The Recovery Process
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Continue Watching Video 2 of 2:
Also, here are 5 simple steps in order to deal with porn addiction and be able to overcome and be free from it.
- Know the addiction.
- Get rid of internet connection, and quit watching porn.
- Find something worthy to spend time in order to divert attention from porn.
- Avoid at all costs feeding the lustful cravings.
- Seek support either from a support group or professional such as a counsellor or therapist.
Handling Porn Addiction As A Couple
Why Ran Gavrieli Stopped Watching Porn
Ran Gavrieli shared his experience why he stopped watching porn at TED Talks.
Exercises That Can Help To Win Over The Addiction
Having addicted to porn for a long time can have “de-training effect” resulting in poor erection quality, premature ejaculation, and poor sexual stamina. The good news, there are exercises that can be performed in order to reverse the negative effects of being addicted to pornography.
- Step 1 – Warm up Process
- Step 2 – Kegel Exercise
- Step 3 – Stop and Start Method or Edging Technique
- Step 4 – Warm Down Process
Hopefully, this article helps enlighten those who are a concern with porn addiction. We may not have full control over porn that is widely available online, but with proper knowledge and knowing how it results in certain psychological effects, anyone can win over.
For additional reading, check out the University of Sydney Study exposes secret world of porn addiction, which was also featured at
Lastly, has informative video series about how porn addiction can result eventually to erectile dysfunction.
A recent study published at American Psychological Association says;
Perceived addiction to Internet pornography predicted psychological distress above and beyond pornography use itself and other relevant variables. This has been replicated using a large cross-sectional sample of undergraduates.
Moreover, a longitudinal follow-up in a 1 year period with a subset of this sample revealed a relationship between perceived addiction to Internet pornography and psychological distress over time, even when controlling for baseline psychological distress and pornography use.
Researchers concluded the findings suggest Internet pornography addiction even with a mere feeling of it and not actually doing or using pornography is linked to psychological distress experiences.
Well, what's your opinion about the new study recently published? I don't think it's really that bad of just merely thinking porn makes a person psychologically distress overtime. I didn't read the full report of the study, so I can't comment more on that. However, for someone who thinks porn majority of his/her thoughts every time, I think that can be considered addiction and can lead to distress specially when that person don't have access to porn or actual partner who can fulfill the fantasy. Thinking porn occasionally and does not affect one's performance with normal daily life, I think that's not addiction.
We all have fantasies, and I think we're entitled to have it from time-to-time as long as it does not affect us in a negatively. Watching porn with purpose, on the other hand, can be helpful for couples who are constantly seeking new ways to enjoy intimacy.
Of course, the type of porn clips or videos should also be carefully chosen, as well. Choosing realistic and passionate porn videos can be helpful. On the other hand, choosing videos that are unrealistic can be distressing, too specially when the partner can't fulfill what's shown on the video.
There should be a good balance when it comes to porn. Also, being mindful about the choices of videos can be helpful and to get into a trap of being addicted overtime. Keeping the focus on life's purpose is a great effort to be addiction-free of anything.