HomeMaintain Better Male Sexual Health TipsA Simple Way To Make Your Face Look More Intelligent

A Simple Way To Make Your Face Look More Intelligent

It is the face in which people judge other people about their age and whether they’re lonely or happy.

But, do you know that making certain changes to your face make you appear more intelligent to other people?

Sure, you can wear glasses. After all, this is what most associate with intelligent people, wearing glasses. But, we’re not talking about glasses here.

Open Your Eyes and Smile Naturally

Researchers at St. Andrews University finds that eyelid-openness and smile do influence perceptions of intelligence in the same person regardless of their sleep condition.

On the contrary, both smile and eyelid-openness have less impact on perceived attractiveness. However, when it comes to perceived intelligence, both has significant inluence.

Can Facial Look Predicts A Person’s Intelligence?

The short answer as one study finds1, yes, a facial look can predict someone’s intelligence. However, it seems it only favors men. Really?

The study concludes2:

These results suggest that a perceiver can accurately gauge the real intelligence of men, but not women, by viewing their faces in photographs; however, this estimation is possibly not based on facial shape. Our study revealed no relation between intelligence and either attractiveness or face shape.

Kleisner K, Chvátalová V, Flegr J (2014) Perceived Intelligence Is Associated with Measured Intelligence in Men but Not Women. PLoS ONE 9(3): e81237. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.008123

Why Fake Intelligence With Facial Appearance?

Well, for most people it does not matter and does not make sense at all. Why don’t we simply be yourself?

While it’s OK to say that, people who are looking for a job need this. During an interview, regardless of how good your credentials, personality and appearance matters.

So, if you’re looking for a job or perhaps want to go up in the ladder of your career, then practice these facial expression.

After all, the more you fake it, the higher chances you’ll make it, eventually.

4 Tips To Making A More Intelligent Facial Expression

Whether you have an scheduled interview or simply want to appear more intelligent to others, here are some tips.

  1. Open Your Eyes Wider while Raising Your Eyebrows
  2. To Look Smarter, Try To Relax Your Jaw
  3. Keep Your Chin Up
  4. Smile as This Makes You More Likeable

Some people may find these tips absurd and awkward. However, some people may find it interesting and comfortable to do.

If you feel awkward at doing this initially, you may be lacking self-confidence. Hence, the best way to practice these unfamiliar and uncomfortable acts is doing them in front of a mirror.

Perhaps, one of the least known benefits of developing facial expression as more intelligent is a boost in self-confidence.

Take note that this does not include wearing certain clothes and hairstyle. It may be a good idea to combine it to further boost one’s self-image and eventually achieving that feel good sensation.

Of course, it would be easier to develop these facial expression if you’re in good mood. So, maintain good mood with regular exercise and eating appropriate foods.


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