HomeGeneral Health Matters7 Sleep Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep Fast

7 Sleep Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep Fast

Here is another hot sleeping topic and it is about tricks to falling asleep fast. Some of these sleep tricks are pretty simple while others require some effort.

Why Employ Sleep Tricks?

Today, a lot of people have a hard time falling asleep. There are even who have difficulty lulling themselves to sleep regardless of how sleepy they feel. In most cases, this can result in unwanted sleep deprivation, which eventually causes unhealthy consequences.

This why some people take sleeping pills. However, sleeping pills come with side effects and might lead you to become dependent on it.

Hence, the safest alternative is to employ natural sleep tricks that have no side effects. So, we will explore a few of these tricks to falling asleep fast. One of these tricks might just be something you need.

1. Gargling

Garling is calming to the vagus nerve. It is also one of the effective and natural ways to fall asleep quickly.

Aside from the calming effect on the vagus nerve, gargling allows you to focus or be mindful for a moment. This brief period of mindfulness while gargling is a good way to cease any anxious thoughts.

Most of the time, such kind of thoughts cause the difficulty of falling asleep. Additionally, if you are not a fan of gargling, blowing bubbles in a glass of water can achieve the same effect.

However, gargling is better because, besides the brief period of mindfulness it offers, it also stimulates the vagus nerve in a calming way.

2. Reading

Reading is another effective way to lull yourself into sleep. Instead of tossing and turning in the bed trying to escape from anxious thoughts, get up, grab a book and read.

This trick sidetracks your brain away from thinking those anxious thoughts. However, it may be a good idea to read a book than reading a digitized version of the book. Technological advancements brought us gadgets where we can read digital versions of our favorite books.

However, the screens of these gadgets emit blue light that can worsen difficulty to fall asleep. Moreover, they can cause blindness.

Hence, read a real book using warm light, which is pleasing to the eyes. Sooner, you may not be able to notice you already fall asleep after reading a few pages or an entire chapter.

And, probably, the reason reading is helpful for falling asleep fast is it reduces stress. The Telegraph reports one study by researchers at University of Sussex that reading reduces stress by 68%.

3. Listening To Calming Music

Another way to calm the brain and heart for falling asleep fast is listening to music. However, careful choice of music is important. Make sure you choose calming music and if possible, listen to music without lyrics.

Another type of calming music is resonant tuning audios. This type of music is tuned to a certain frequency and stimulate the brain to fall asleep faster. Some call this subliminal music while others call it resonant tuning.

4. Evening Exercise

While it looks like a counterintuitive effort, having an evening exercise 90 minutes before bed is actually helpful.

One Swiss study suggests that having an intense exercise 90 minutes before bed is helpful. Now, take note of the time, it is 90 minutes before bed and not 30 minutes or less before sleep time.

Furthermore, doing a few yoga stretches before bed is just as helpful lulling yourself to fall asleep fast.

5. Stop Checking The Time

Whether checking the time on the alarm clock or your phone, don’t do it. In fact, once you are in bed, avoid doing so. Of course, you can bring a book at your bedside.

Why is it bad? You might ask. It is bad because it can lead you to think how much time you are in bed and how much time left for you to sleep. The shorter the amount of sleep time left, the more it stresses you.

So, regardless if you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t check time. Relax and lull yourself to sleep again.

6. Journal

Another alternative to reading a book if you cannot sleep is to journalling. Well, it may not be journalling but even simply making a To-Do list achieves a similar benefit.

Additionally, journalling helps you voice out the things you feel inside that you have no guts to tell other people. Getting those thoughts out of your mind is vital. Journalling provides an effective outlet to it.

Having all these anxious and thoughts of worries, the brain has a hard time shutting down. Instead of pausing, it continues to process the information that is not yet been processed.

Hence, writing those on paper in the form of journalling is one way of voicing it out. Doing so releases that tension and reduce stress. So, don’t underestimate the power of paper and pen.

Journalling works and can help you feel relax. Definitely, one of the sleep tricks you should consider.

7. Conscious Breathing Exercise

A breathing routine or exercise is good for lulling yourself to sleep. Dr. Andrew Weil develops one of these breathing techniques he calls 4-7-8 breathing. Here is how it is done as shown by Dr. Weil himself.

This breathing technique can also be used in combination with meditation or mindfulness.

Final Thoughts

These are a few of the important aspect you should be checking if you have difficulty falling asleep. However, these are not the only factors to be considered. For instance, consuming foods with caffeine can affect sleep as well as alcohol.

Here are additional science-backed sleep tricks for falling asleep fast;

Dim or turn off the lights in the room – Bright light hinders sleep. Hence, dimming the lights or best turning them off allows your brain to shut off and you fall asleep quicker1.

Don’t use your phone as a means to fall asleep – Studies2 3 4 5 have shown us that screen time before bed is terrible. Regardless of the type of screen such as TV, smartphone, tablet, etc, put it away an hour before bedtime. In fact, don’t put a television set inside your room.

No consumption of coffee6 7 and alcohol before bedtime8 9 – Avoid caffeine products a few hours before sleeping. And, alcohol, although some people reason they drink alcohol to fall asleep, it has a bad impact on your sleep.

Develop a routine before bedtime – While there are not many studies on adults, it is beneficial for children10.

Set proper room temperature – Lulling yourself to sleep involves proper temperature. Make sure your room’s temperature is just right11.

Wear socks – Wearing socks warms your feet as it helps you fall asleep faster12. However, this does not apply to everyone as some people prefer the opposite.

Take a warm bath – There are studies that back this up13.

Aroma therapy with a a lavender scent – Filling your room with lavender scent stimulates you to fall asleep14.


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