Viagra is a popular prescription-based erectile dysfunction medication. Since it's a prescription drug, there are certain side-effects that would happen while taking it on dosage according to the doctor's prescription. Viagra is not sold over the counter, but there are sources perhaps where people can get it through some other ways.
Due to its nature as a drug, it should be taken care according to the doctor's recommendation. It should not be taken by any man at any time as a form of a joke. However, a 36-year old British man took 35 Viagra pills just for a laugh at his mate's house.
I ended up feeling sick, dizzy and hallucinating — everything I saw was green. And I had a massive erection that would not go away. According to Daniel, the British guy who took 35 Viagra pills as reported by the SUN.Co.Uk. The Daily Beast also reported the incident.
On the other hand, here is a weird experience on an Uber driver caught on camera.
If you're thinking about making a joke with any of the erectile dysfunction medication, you know what will happen to you. Even all-natural dietary male enhancement supplementation needs to be taken according to the manufacturer's recommendation not just for best results, but for safety reasons.
Not too long ago, we've also covered weird alternatives to Viagra in which most of these are risky, as well.