15 Hair Loss Supplements and Natural Solutions To Try If You’re Losing Hair

Hair loss is one of the most worrying issues affecting both men and women. The American Hair Loss Association says male pattern baldness affects 95% of men.

It is the most common hair thinning condition in which certain hair loss supplements may be helpful.

Hair Loss Supplements and Solutions
Worried About Your Thinning Hair? Try These Natural Solutions and Supplements

Previously, we've covered a few natural and essential tips on hair loss prevention, as well as how to regrow hair naturally using natural methods.

However, if you're looking for more natural solutions and perhaps, an idea about hair loss supplements, let's explore them.

Hair Loss Supplements and Solutions

Note that while the nutrients and minerals are available in supplement forms, these are also available in foods.

Hence, healthy dietary changes and proper nutrition play a role in hair health. There is no substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle practices.

So, always pay attention to your lifestyle and diet before considering taking hair loss supplements.

1. Onion Juice

Onions are rich in sulfur. Although there are not many studies done on sulfur for hair growth, one small study1 proves its effectiveness.

Hair Growth with Onions
Onions Is Helpful For Hair Growth

In this study, the researchers put onion juice and tap water into comparison and observe which one offers hair growth benefit. The participants were grouped into two groups; one group used onion juice while the other group was using tap water.

Participants in the onion juice apply it twice a day on their scalp. After 14 days into the study, 74% of the participants in the onion juice group noticed hair regrowth. On the other hand, the tap water group only have 13% of the participants saw hair growth.

So, onions may smell bad for most people, but definitely, it is packed with many health benefits along with raw garlic. Of course, you can always extract its juice and directly apply it to your scalp.

2. Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seeds have many health benefits, including male sexual health. But studies find pumpkin seed oil when taken orally helps bring back hair growth. It is one of the natural hair loss supplements you can choose for your hair.

Just like the onion juice, there are not many studies on pumpkin seed oil for hair loss. But one study2 finds a daily dosage of it orally is a safe hair loss supplement.

In the study, participants were taking pumpkin seed oil in capsule form. Those taking four capsules of pumpkin seed oil a day for six months have a 40% increase in hair growth.

One potential reason could be that it has a similar effect to saw palmetto(more on this later) by blocking testosterone turning into DHT, which causes hair loss.

3. Green Tea

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants, and it is also suitable for heart health. But an extract of green tea has a wide range of benefits, including hair growth.

In particular, the EGCG(epigallocatechin gallate) compound in green tea is valuable for regrowing hair. One study3 says that EGCG is useful for preventing hair loss.

An earlier study4 also suggests that EGCG stimulates hair growth. Hence, taking high-quality green tea supplements is a good option.

It also has more benefits, such as boosting metabolism and weight loss. Green tea extract is one of the hair loss supplements worth considering.

4. Iron

Iron is an essential mineral to which the body produces blood. Moreover, iron plays a vital role in hair health. One study5 says that a low level of iron is linked to certain types of hair loss.

While iron supplements are available, always prefer consuming foods rich in iron such as fish, green leafy vegetables, poultry products, meat, and tofu.

Dietary changes matter. However, if you feel you need more iron to try adding supplements. But, it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor before supplementing iron. Taking higher levels of iron can cause constipation and vomiting. And, it can be even fatal when taken in high dosage6.

Hair loss is not the only side effect of iron deficiency. However, to ensure you are taking the right amount of dosage from supplement form, talk to your doctor. Iron may be one of the hair loss supplements, but it does provide other health benefits, as well.

5. Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain during sleep. But it can also be taken in supplement form. Many people are taking melatonin as a remedy for jet lag to achieve good quality sleep.

When it comes to hair loss prevention and hair growth, it is not taken orally, just like the other hair loss supplements. Instead, a cream containing melatonin is massage directly to the scalp.

Melatonin cream does not only stimulates hair growth but also helps in getting rid of dandruff.

6. Zinc

In men's sexual health, zinc plays a role in male fertility. And, when it comes to overall health, zinc boosts the body's immune system.

Moreover, zinc is also involved in various processes in the body, including hair health. One study7 says that an imbalance or disturbance in zinc level can lead to hair loss.

In another study8, researchers found that zinc supplements effectively promotes hair growth in women with thinning hair.

And another study9 suggests that zinc supplementation could become supplementary for people with alopecia areata.

7. Biotin

Another popular among hair loss supplements is biotin or vitamin B7. Many doctors prescribe it to their patients with hair loss with excellent results. Additionally, biotin is not only good for hair growth but also the skin.

Biotin is present in eggs. Hence, regularly eating eggs is not only good for your heart but also your hair. Other foods rich in biotin include wheat germ, almonds, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, and many others.

Additionally, many hair products claim to contain biotin. However, don't rely on them as most of the time, they're not sufficient. Instead, consider biotin as one of the hair loss supplements to take along with healthy dietary changes.

8. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto extract is one of the most popular hair loss supplements available to this day. In men's sexual health, saw palmetto plays a role in prostate health.

Although many consider saw palmetto as a wonder drug for hair growth, it is just hype to some degree. Yes, it helps prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth, but focusing on it alone while not addressing other factors is not a good idea.

It could just end up in disappointments. Instead, make saw palmetto as part of overall healthy lifestyle practices, including dietary changes.

Studies say that it maintains the male testosterone from turning into DHT(dihydrotestosterone), which causes hair to fall.

9. Selenium

Selenium is present in Brazil nuts. It is suitable for boosting mood and male fertility. But selenium is also ideal for stimulating hair growth.

If it is difficult to find and eat Brazil nuts, selenium supplement is the next option. Selenium is one of the hair loss supplements worth considering. It helps in fighting and getting rid of toxins and maintain healthy hair follicles.

Although selenium supplementation is helpful for hair loss10, too much of it can cause hair loss.

10. Aromatherapy or Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is fantastic and offers many health benefits. Of course, one of the health benefits of aromatherapy is natural hair loss treatment. For instance, essential oils like thyme, lavender, rosemary, and sandalwood have been used for hair loss treatment for 100s of years.

These essential oils contain a compound that boosts and stimulates hair growth. To apply, take a small amount of essential oil of your choice and massage it to the scalp for minutes every night.

Then, with a warm towel, wrap the head to facilitate absorption. This routine does not only stimulate hair growth, but the scent of the oils provides a relaxing and calming feeling essential for good night sleep.

11. Silicon

Silicon makes the hair look shiny and slows down hair loss. It is available in supplement form, and it is among the hair loss supplements to consider.

Silicon supplements are available in various types. But it is the orthosilicic acid or OSA, a humanmade version of silicon in which the body absorbs very well11. Before taking silicon supplementations for hair loss, talk to your doctor as its efficacy and safety are yet to be studied.

12. Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. It is essential for building muscles, which is why proteins are popular among bodybuilding supplements.

Notably, some amino acids like L-lysine and cysteine help maintain healthy hair, as well as promoting hair growth.

Although it is possible to take the supplement form, they are available abundantly in a wide variety of foods, including meats. However, if you don't like meats, don't worry as there are plenty of choices when it comes to meatless protein sources.

13. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

It is somewhat a semi-invasive process as doctors do it in the process of injection. The Doctors' show discusses how the process is done. This solution may not be for everyone. But for the sake of educational purposes, here it is.

The process involves taking your blood and separate the platelet-rich plasma protein by spinning it centrifuge machine. Then, the PRP extract is injected into the scalp. A lot of people say it's useful in regrowing hair back.

The downside, it is expensive for most people costing between $1,500 to $3,500. Plus, it is not suitable for everyone.

14. Stress Management (Keep it At Bay)

Stress is a silent killer especially when it becomes chronic. Moreover, it is bad for your sex life and can lead to hair loss12.

It is why managing stress helps. Fortunately, it is not as difficult as it may seem. There are many natural ways to manage stress and keep it minimal and controllable without affecting one's health.

Grounding or earthing, although it appears so simple, is effective for stress management. Other proven techniques for minimizing stress include deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and regular exercise.

15. Gentle and Proper Hair Care

We save the best for last. It is about gentle and proper hair care. A lot of women today use iron and hot rollers. And, while they're suitable for curling hair, these methods also weaken the hair. Another thing worth considering is not to brush your hair while it is still wet.

Dry your hair and gently comb it. Additionally, the use of shampoo and hair conditioners are very prevalent these days. If you can't avoid them, at least minimize the usage.

You can still opt for natural methods like using baking soda or apple cider vinegar instead of shampoo. For hair conditioners, you can use rice wash, which is effective in making your hair look shiny.

Furthermore, with continuous and regular use, it makes curly hair straight in the long run. Using coconut oil is another gentle and natural way of hair care.

Final Thoughts

That's a lot. Isn't it? You don't have to do them all at once. Feel free to choose one or two you feel comfortable doing consistently.

But don't forget, always take a closer look at your dietary habits and lifestyle practices.

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