HomeGeneral Health MattersDiscovering The Importance of Salt and Risks of A Low Salt Diet

Discovering The Importance of Salt and Risks of A Low Salt Diet

The last time we talked about the importance of salt for healthy individuals particularly those doing bodybuilding.

Low Sodium Diet Health Risks

Salt Is Not An Enemy

Today, the majority of health practitioner recommend minimizing salt consumption. But is salt really an enemy causing health risks hypertension? Some experts believed salt is not an enemy but an ally to health.

In an interview with James J. DiNicolantonio, a cardiovasular research scientists at the Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute and author of the book The Salt Fix with Dr. Mark Hyman, he reveals the importance of salt on our body.

He also reveals where and when this idea begins that demonizes salt and ended up healthy authorities recommendation in minimizing salt consumption.

He emphasizes that there is no solid proof a low salt diet prevents high blood pressure and heart attacks. In this interview also, James J. DiNicolantonio explains some of the mechanisms how the body absorbs and get rids of excess salt.

Furthermore, DiNicolantonio mentions that a low salt diet can stiffin the arteries and even lead to insulin resistance. He adds that in the DASH study the researchers find the HDL ratio worsen with a low salt diet. Take note that HDL is the good cholesterol.

Contradicting Study Findings

If you search online or even ask as many doctors as you can, you may find different opinions on salt consumption. For instance, one study says that salt intake doubled the risk of heart failure.

On the other hand, another study1 finds high salt intake is beneficial.

DiNicolantonio, on the other hand, takes a commonsense approach to the role salt for health and illness. More importantly, salt ensures the body to maintain enough blood volume essential for sustaining life.

Moreover, salt is somewhat the spirit of food. Foods without salt are bland and no one wants to eat it. Our bodies have built-in sensor ensuring we get enough salt. If you crave salt, it means the body needs salt.

Unlike sugar that has been proven as addictive as cocaine2, salt, on the other hand, is not. Therefore, honoring your cravings for salt will not lead to overconsumption and addiction.

Low Salt Diet Health Risks

There are studies that show the dangers of low salt diet. To summarize them all watch this video below. Among the dangers of salt restriction involves pregnant women as it causes fetal growth retardation3.

Furthermore, salt restriction or low sodium diet is linked with a decrease in insulin sensitivity4.

Moreover, people who are on the ketogenic diet needs more salt as during carbohydrate restriction, the body increases the excretion of sodium. The reason for this is due to the insulin telling the kidney to hold on to more sodium.

Avoiding Over Consumption of Salt

Probably, the best way to avoid over-consumption of salt is to more whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Therefore, increase your intake of whole foods preferably organic. They contain safe and natural nutrients including salt that nourishes the body.

On the other hand, if you’re eating packaged and highly processed foods, it’s difficult to count your salt consumption. Additionally, the kind of salt in which processed products contained is not a natural salt. Therefore, at home, aim at consuming natural and healthy types of salt.

Healthy Salts

While salts have the same salty taste, there are different types of salt. You might have heard the Himalayan, Kosher, sea salt, table salt, etc. Fortunately, we don’t have to dig deeper into the books and search engines as Ecowatch provides the list of 9 types of salts.

Noted in the list, table salt is a highly refined salt in which experts believed responsible for many salt-related health issues. Therefore, avoid consuming table salt, which is also promoted as iodized salt.

Instead, prefer unrefined salts as they’re beneficial for healing instead of harming the body.


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