Today, we find a lot of workaholics. Workaholism is a form of behavioral addiction resulting to less satisfaction in life. Fortunately, an ancient practice can help. One study1 reveals that meditation cures work addiction and improve quality of life.
A workaholic person may have problems including depression and anxiety. Additionally, conflicts and problems within the family are also common. And, when it comes to productivity, although he or she is working and pushing hard, it actually results in less productivity.
Meditation Cures Work Addiction
Working and earning or a living is fundamental for having a decent life. However, when one turns in to a workaholics, it's a bad sign, especially for heart health.
As a matter of fact, there is a study that finds working for long hours can result to irregular heart rhythm. If you're thinking you're among the millions of workaholics, don't worry as there is something you can do about it.
Fortunately, an ancient practice of meditation cures work addiction as one recent study finds. In this meditation awareness training, researchers found that mindfulness practice is helpful in improving productivity. The participants boost their productivity regardless of the reduction in the number of working hours.
More importantly, the participants in meditation awareness training also experienced less psychological distress and improved job satisfaction. And, during weekends, meditation awareness training resulted in a 28% reduction of weekend work, evening overtime and bring home office works.
Truly, this is an amazing result that shows a regular practice of meditation cures work addiction. William Van Gordon, a Buddhist monk and lead author of the study says;
This study shows just how important meditation can be in helping people de-stress from work, giving them more quality time to do what they enjoy.
Spotting Workaholism
There was an article in a newspaper by Elisa Hendricks where she shared ten ways to know whether a person is workaholics or not.
Here are the 10 ways to spot workaholism;
- Every minute of your workday is filled with activity.
- You work 12 to 16 hours a day, all weekend and go for more than two weeks without a day off.
- When you are home, family times are peppered with “quick calls” to the office.
- Work dominates conversations with friends and family.
- You eat lunch at your desk, frequently skip lunch and never take breaks.
- You feel torn between work and home life or do not have time for a relationship.
- During leisure activities, you are plagued by guilt because you are not working.
- Putting off your friends to meet work commitments.
- You lie in bed at night obsessing about your latest project.
- Feeling something is wrong in your life, but you don't have time to think about it.
Furthermore, David Feldman, author of the book The Entrepreneur's Growth Startup Handbook share his tips on spotting workaholism and how it compares to a hard worker.
Awareness is Key
Unfortunately, most workaholics are not aware of their addiction for work. Hopefully, the ten tips to spotting workaholism would be able to help anyone to become aware of their workaholism.
When one is aware, it's easy to take and put effort to do something positive and overcome work addiction. Fortunately, science found a way through meditation as a natural way to overcoming work addiction.
Moreover, yoga and tai-chi along with meditation are good combination to defeating work addiction. These are all helpful not only for work addiction but any sort of addiction even masturbation addiction.
These are also beneficial for brain health, sexual health and manage stress.
Why Workaholism is Bad?
Here's a quick discussion why being a workaholic is bad.
It's clear that workaholic is bad and it differs from people who are a hard worker. Have you wondered a lot of people keeps working really hard but haven't been able to achieve greatness in their career, family, or personal life?
On the other hand, there are many successful individuals who never took a day-off for years and worked during weekends and yet, in the end, they're victorious. Although these people seemed addicted to work, they have clear goals on what they're going to achieve in the end.
Workaholics don't have that same goal. They just work and work and work for somebody else and never have any plans on getting out of the rat race. Another sign you're a workaholic is that you just work for someone else and aim at doing it for life.
Perhaps, we could sum up that hard workers are entrepreneurs and employee-minded individuals who work hard and aim at doing it for life are workaholics. This could be wrong, and perhaps, right, on the other hand.