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A Glass of Red Wine Is Equal To Exercising 1 Hour In The Gym


Red wine is always a part of the Mediterranean diet. One study1 says it helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

A Glass of Red Wine Equals 1 Hour of Exercise

You’ve read it right. This is the finding of one study2 back in 2012. The study attributed this positive benefit of red wine to its resveratrol component. It is a natural polyphenolic compound in peanuts, grapes, red wine, and some berries.

Jason Dyck, lead researcher from University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine says;

I think resveratrol could help patient populations who want to exercise but are physically incapable.

Should You Drink More Red Wine?

Not everyone is a fan of this study. Of course, exercise has many different benefits compared to just drinking red wine. If you drink red wine as part of a healthy lifestyle and diet, then, it is fine.

The Mediterranean diet includes red wine as part of the lifestyle. In this case, it’s absolutely fine. Healthy people following the Mediterranean-type diet or lifestyle don’t drink red wine like there’s no tomorrow.

Moderation as in a glass of red wine during the weekend is fine. On the other hand, drinking it overly on a daily basis is a different story. If you’re attracted to the resveratrol content of red wine, get it from different sources that are free from alcohol.

Foods Rich In Resveratrol

Instead of drinking red wine for the sake of resveratrol benefits, get it from other sources instead. Here are some foods with resveratrol in them;

4 1. Red Grapes

Yes, you’ve read it right. The primary component of red wine has already resveratrol content. So, why drink it if you can just eat it.

To enjoy the resveratrol benefit of red grapes, they don’t need to be fermented. Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes plus other nutrients including the minerals potassium and manganese.

Red grapes are also rich in Vitamin B1, C and K. By eating red grapes, you get more than just resveratrol.

3 2. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter probably one of the most popular dressings out there especially when it comes to celery and apples. But, it’s not just a delicious dressing. Behind its delicious taste is resveratrol.

Peanut butter is also rich in manganese and niacin.

2 3. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and resveratrol nicely blends among them. In addition, dark chocolate is rich in manganese and copper.

It is a healthy option if you opt for organic dark chocolate because not all dark chocolates are created equal.

1 4. Blueberries

Blueberries do not have as much resveratrol contents as red grapes do. However, resveratrol is there plus a rich source of various antioxidants.

In addition, blueberries are also rich dietary fiber, mineral manganese and vitamins C and K.

Aphrodisiac Foods

Do you notice a common denominator on these foods? If you’re been reading the previous article, certainly, you can guess it. These foods are aphrodisiac foods. There is nothing magical in them.

However, when you make them part of your healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habit, you’re on the right track to achieving and experiencing good health and wellness.



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