Home Maintain Better Male Sexual Health Tips Are You A Weekend Warrior? Exercising Once A Week Is Still Beneficial...

Are You A Weekend Warrior? Exercising Once A Week Is Still Beneficial In Reducing Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease


Along with a healthy eating regimen, regular exercise is just as vital. Most recommendations especially those doing HIIT should exercise at least 3 times a week.

But, there’s no need to worry for weekend warriors as you still able to reap the weekly exercise health benefits.

The new study1 published in JAMA Internal Medicine finds that exercising once a week with one or two workout sessions is still beneficial.

Weekend warrior and other leisure time physical activity patterns characterized by 1 or 2 sessions per week may be sufficient to reduce all-cause, CVD, and cancer mortality risks regardless of adherence to prevailing physical activity guidelines.

This is not the first study to suggests that weekly exercise is still beneficial. In one study back in 2004 published in the American Journal of Epidemiology2 also found similar findings.

The study concluded;

The present observations suggest that a pattern of regular physical activity generating 1,000 kcal/week or more should be recommended for lowering mortality rates. However, among men without major risk factors, even 1–2 episodes/week of physical activity that generate 1,000 kcal/week or more can postpone mortality.

If you’re among the busy individuals due to hectic schedules at work, consolidating your workouts during the weekend should be fine. But be careful. A review article Canadian Journal of Surgery3 finds that weekend activities have higher rate of injury.

However, if you’re an experienced weekend warrior, it may not be a problem. For beginners, always consider putting more focus on exercising or even getting personal trainer may be a safe option.

What If You Have Time To Exercise More?

Obviously, if you have more time to exercise, do it. The most efficient way to benefit from your exercise efforts is to alternate the type of exercise you’re doing.

For instance, do HIIT 3 times a week and yoga during the other days. Of course, you can include weight or resistance training for building muscles and strength along with running or brisk walking.

Try to make the most of your extra time and exercise when you can. But note that, if you’re too busy to do that, do it during weekends and you will still able to enjoy the weekly exercise health benefits.

Of course, don’t forget to stick to a good nutrition plan. Regular exercise and healthy eating equate a good health and fitness plan.

Additional healthy lifestyle habits worth considering includes getting enough quality sleep nightly, avoid and quit smoking, and of course, minmize or even eliminate alcohol.



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