Home Maintain Better Male Sexual Health Tips Rebounding Exercise Is Just As Good As Running And More Fun

Rebounding Exercise Is Just As Good As Running And More Fun


If you’re not exercising because you feel you’re tired and not having fun, get a mini-trampoline and have fun with rebounding exercise.

A new study by AceFitness says that rebounding exercise on a mini-trampoline is just as good as running.

This study finds that jumping and rebounding on a trampoline is equivalent to moderate-to-vigorous intensity workout.

Moreover, the effects of a 19-minute fun rebounding exercise on a trampoline equivalent to running at 6 mph on a flat surface and cycling at 14 mph, or playing fun sports like basketball and football.

Probably, the best thing about exercising on a trampoline, you can do it at home while watching TV, or listening to music.

Benefits Of Rebounding Exercise

Although it looks simple and fun, don’t underestimate the many benefits of exercising on a trampoline. The known health benefits include;

  • Stimulates metabolism for weight loss purposes
  • Increases the body’s oxygen capacity
  • Helps in improving balance especially on older people beneficial for maintaining cognitive function
  • Improves circulation of oxygen to the tissues
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Boosts the body immune system
  • Beneficial for heart health
  • Boost energy level and sense of vitality
  • Toning and firming of muscles

Regular exercise has also been proven to boost sexual function. So, get a trampoline and start making a difference in your life. Make it a catalyst for motivation to exercise regularly.

Furthermore, other exercises you can later include yoga, which is useful for overall health, sexual function and premature ejaculation.

Additionally, always keep in mind that exercise is only one part of the equation for good health. The other part is good nutrition.

Combined these two important factors for good health including healthy lifestyle practices and you’re on your way to improving your overall quality of life.

Another thing worth knowing about the mini-trampoline exercise is it can improve sexual function. Therefore, it is a good complement for Kegels exercise if this is something you want to achieve.



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