Home Men's Tips On Better Sex and Relationship Psychological Benefits Of Having A Bigger Penis

Psychological Benefits Of Having A Bigger Penis


Commonly, a man’s face is an open book to most women. What it means is that women can read anything through a man’s face.

In fact, there are some ladies who claimed who could tell a man’s bank account, sex life, and penis size just by looking at his face.

The fact, failure always will always leave a mark on the face just as success does. Women are good at reading these marks.

Even worse, failure patterns tend to follow trends on men with small penises, which makes it easy for women to spot those who are well-endowed and those who are not. Of course, not all women possess this psychological skill.

The very first thing women notice easily in a man is his level of confidence. For instance, a man with stoop-shouldered with downcast appearance has very little chance of getting laid with a decently-looking lady.

Conversely, a broad-chested guy that shows confidence with pride in his appearance both his face and eyes. A pompous walk will likely have higher chances to catch women’s eyes.

Although such a type of guy may not get the attention of all attractive women, certainly everyone will be able to notice him easily.

Moreover, most of the time men who are well-endowed with bigger penises are more confident than those who are less-endowed. Of course, this is not an absolute means to base a man’s penis size through his looks.

Well-endowed men especially those who have actual sex experiences know they can satisfy their partners sexually. And, these men can walk and approach women confidently. In fact, confidence is what women want mostly in men, and women spot it easily.

Known Benefits

  • Boost self-confidence
  • Boost performance in bed
  • Better ejaculatory control
  • Ability to last longer sex sessions

Certainly, there are numerous other benefits not mentioned in the list above, which is linked to bigger penis advantage.

Women do not care much about what men say especially the majority of men have little to say that catch a woman’s interest.

Women pay a lot of attention to a man’s subtle attitude changes. If a man is confident, there must be something that triggers confidence. Women perceived and think about men this way to trigger their interest.

Men suffering from inferiority complex, anxiety, and low self-esteem due to smaller penis size can opt for penis enlargement solutions that are non-invasive.

Moreover, men with decent size penis who want to improve erection quality as well as achieve better and longer performance in bed can utilize and perform manual penis exercises such as Kegels.

During the past decade, there have been a lot of solutions for men who want to increase penis size and boost self-confidence such as hydro penis pumps, and traction-based penis extenders. The very minute a man stop worrying and begin to be confident, women turn anxious and become interested.

Oversize Can Be An Issue With Women

According to the latest survey, the average penis size is 5.6 inches in length and 4.8 inches in girth.

Hence, aiming for over 9 inches in size might not be a good idea. On the other hand, a man with just over 3 inches of a fully erect penis can provide sexual satisfaction to a woman. This is absolutely true especially with proper foreplay and appropriate sex positions.

The vagina holds most of its sensitive sexual pleasure receptors near the opening or entrance. Hence, shorter penises with 3 inches and longer are able to stimulate these sensitive nerve endings making the woman reach orgasms.

Although, some women prefer bigger girth sizes to achieve vaginal orgasms. Probably, this is when women says size does matter.

Anxiety, low-self esteem, and perhaps depression have no chances against a well-endowed penis that achieved rock-hard erections, better and longer performances in bed.


  1. There are so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? Magnum rings are among them.

  2. I truly believed in myself, as well having a bigger penis means better confidence. However, not every time as I’m only referring to confidence in men to women, but there are lots of factors when it comes to confidence. In this topic, let’s stick to women 🙂

  3. I agree with it. I have friends I know whom have small penises, and let’s say we round them off to an average 3.5 inches. Of course, not all, but the ones ranging in that max size when fully erect tend to shy away from beautiful and hot women while me and others who are well-endowed are seem to have an alpha male features. I’m not saying this is applicable for all, as what I’ve seen with the majority of them. Of course, others might have different experiences.

  4. Penis extension exercises, penis extension surgical treatment,.
    penis extension pills, penis extension sleeves, penis extenders.
    exactly what is better?

    • Everything works except the surgical treatment, which I don’t like because it’s expensive and somewhat risky. Besides, the size increase gained with surgery is not that usable after the operation. You need to go through some rehabilitation.

      So, go for non-invasive ones like manual exercises, extenders, and pumps, or combinations of these 3. Pills on the other hand, are not penis enlargement strategy but they’re helpful, yet don’t take it as your main method of increasing penis size.

  5. Although it is not really size that matters, still men are looking for ways to achieve bigger size because it does improves confidence. I don’t why, but it’s subconsciously embedded or programmed into a man’s mind.


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