Home Maintain Better Male Sexual Health Tips The Health Risks Linked From Eating Hot Dogs

The Health Risks Linked From Eating Hot Dogs


The National Hot Dog Day has no specific day but it is usually celebrated during the month of July. The first celebration was in 1991. Hot dogs are the staple at the ball park, especially during summer time.

On the other hand, hot dogs are not the favorite of health conscious individuals and even among health professionals. Hot dogs are processed foods containing low nutrition levels. Besides that, it does something unhealthy to the body when it’s consumed.

A typical hot dog before any condiments are added has 204 calories with 18 grams of fat plus 620 grams of sodium. Now pause and think for a moment with these facts. Then, think how much calories it contains after eating condiments like mustard, relish, and ketchup.

Quick History of Hot Dog Origin

How Hot Dogs Are Made?

Now that you have a quick idea where hot dogs came from and how it came to America and perhaps other parts of the world, let’s take a close look what it does to your body.

Negative Health Consequences of Eating Hot Dogs

While it’s undeniable that hot dogs taste great and delicious, there is a downside of eating it. Hot dogs consumption increases the risk of developing certain diseases.

Just like many highly processed types of meat, hot dogs are associated with increased risks of developing diseases including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancers. One analysis study1 that evaluated the diets of 1,660 individuals found that processed meat consumption was linked to bladder cancer.

Another study2 also found that processed meat consumption was linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes than red meat consumption.

Health Risk Component In Hot Dogs

Highly processed meats like hot dogs are loaded with preservatives. In this case, the preservative in concern is nitrate. Nitrates are made from either synthetic or natural sources that give the meat more color and long shelf life.

Nitrates become nitrites when digested, which is linked to cancer.

In 2015, the World Health Organization(WHO) warned people that processed meats are carcinogenic. In fact, processed meats are classified as Group 1 carcinogen.

Healthy Choices Matter

For most people who are eating hot dogs as their staple food, it can be difficult to avoid eating it. However, the benefit of avoiding it is rewarding. There are far healthier choices than hot dogs with the exception of fried potatoes.

Certainly, the convenience of eating hot dogs is unmatched. However, the health benefit of eating a healthy diet is also priceless. Start eating a diet that is anti-inflammatory. Health experts agree that the Mediterranean type diet is good for the heart and overall health.

Additionally, increasing the consumption of dark green leafy vegetables is also a healthy choice. Higher fruits consumption is also beneficial.

As opposed to processed meats, fruits and vegetables are whole foods bringing beneficial effects to the gut. Add a handful of nuts to your diet and you’re on your way towards a better health.



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