Change Your Mood From BAD to Good Using This Trick

It is normal for humans to go through some bad and good times. Of course, it can alter our moods. One study says we can do a simple trick to change our bad mood to good in just a few minutes.

Feeling Down and Bad
Turning Bad Moods Into Good

However, simple does not mean easy. It takes practice as many people may find this awkward and ignore doing it. Fortunately, with practice until this becomes a habit, we can bad moods to good quickly.

What's The Trick?

The trick is simple as one study1 in the Journal of Happiness Studies find. In this study, researchers say people who wish others with loving kindness for 12 minutes while walking lowers their anxiety.

Wishing Others Loving Kindness Boosts Good Mood

What is even more interesting, besides lowering anxiety, these people experience greater empathy and happiness. Moreover, the same people also experienced higher feelings of care and connectedness.

In other words, when bad mood hits us, we should focus to others with love. Wishing others with loving kindness and even forgiveness puts us in a state of bliss

It is the reason people who often offer voluntary works live longer. When we feel good, it is because the brain releases oxytocin. Even during the feeling of worries, doing this technique can be helpful.

In fact, even a simple gesture of smiling to others can trigger a good feeling. When we feel good, we feel a sense of mental clarity, which is helpful in achieving peace of mind and elevating good mood.

Final Thoughts

The technique works if you try and do it. However, there may be some people who are skeptical about this trick. But, why not try it? You have nothing to lose but friends to gain.

This can strengthen your social connections, which is beneficial for health particularly on happiness and longevity.

On the other hand, bad moods can be turned into advantage especially at work. But, of course, not everyone can do that. Instead of taking advantage of it, it could turn into stress and depression.

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