Boost Testosterone and Fertility (Even Weight Loss) Through Cold Showers

Have you heard about Russian power lifters froze their balls before lifting heavy weights during pre-steroids era? Today, having cold showers work.

Health Benefits of Cold Showers
The Health Benefits of Daily Cold Showers

It boosts testosterone level naturally.

I didn't find any article that backed the Russian story, or even an old newspaper screenshots.

However, recent experiments about cold showers have good health benefits including a boost of testosterone level.

Having a cold shower is really uncomfortable for first timers. But once you get into it, it's a lot better than a hot shower, seriously!

Today, icy dip bathing in Finland is a popular destination for tourists. Interestingly enough, Stanford University conducted a research back in 2012 showing how cooling effect(with just the palm of one hand) has effect on recovery.

Researchers claim this technique has a lot higher success rate compared to taking steroids.

While there are not much research about exploring the health benefits of cold showers except for widely mentioned Thrombosis Research Institute research(can't find any direct article for it), Dr. Weil confirms there are few actual studies about it.

Cold Showers Shrink The Penis, Temporarily

Take note, though, cold showers and baths can temporarily cause the penis to shrink, but that's just temporary and positive effects can be experience later, which sort of having a lag effect as study confirmed.

Looking more closely at the basics why it works, there's only one thing we can think of. The reason testicles are outside of the body is something interesting.

Testicular temperature needs to be lower than the rest of the body. If it's inside the body, it won't be able to function optimally due to heat generated within and it's not good when it comes to fertility, which we're going to cover later.

For a decade now, more or less, freezing the ballsack theory has been floating around in the bodybuilding community for the sole purpose of increasing testosterone without requiring to take steroids.

Of course, not everyone is convinced about this theory and remained skeptical and consider it a myth. There are even rumors that some boxers prior to a fight have ballsack freezing routine to increase aggression. Whether that theory is true or not, it's for you to try.


What I personally experienced, taking cold baths is really refreshing. It's not fun if it's your first time and not getting used to doing it, but the more often you do it, the better it gets.

You can try cold baths or showers at home, or while checking at a hotel. These days, modern hotels have the option for both hot and cold showers. Ignore that hot shower knob and go for the cold shower instead.

Yes, there are times you need to relax while on a hot bathtub, but if you want to experience the benefit of cold shower or bath, do it, and just like I said earlier, it's not fun, but it feels good if you get used to it.

Improved Fertility

Good news for those who are planning and trying to become a daddy as cold showers or baths help little swimmers healthy. Yes, you've read it right.

Aside from eating and living a healthy lifestyle, cold showers and baths can increase male fertility.

About a decade ago, yes it was a long time, but I can still clearly recall about a couple who rented an apartment who was my neighbor had difficulty having a child.

Until one day, someone gave the couple an advice to take a cold bath prior to having sex.

The couple did it for a week straight taking cold showers and then have intercourse. What do you know? Just after of doing that routine, results were positive.

At that time, I had no idea and very surprised about the results. It seems a coincidence, but I've learned other couples are doing it, too.

I wish I could talk and ask those couples, but it was a decade ago when we parted paths due to career and job changes.

Although I haven't even met or see them recently, memories about cold baths are still fresh and being refreshed until I've read articles about it.

Sperms Don't Like High Temperature

Back in 2007, BBC reported a study that soaking in the tub may reduce fertility in men.

The male testicles are not designed to get hot as mentioned earlier it's the reason it hangs outside the body. Sperm count decreases as temperature rises in the testes.

During the 1950s, several experiments were conducted on using hot baths as a contraceptive. Hence, the BBC reported study was not new at all.

One of those experiments let men took a 30-minute hot bath every other day for a total duration of 3 weeks. The men who took part of the study became infertile for the next 6 months.

In a more recent study conducted by the University of California observed men who were exposed to hot baths for half an hour for a period of one week.

Upon cutting the men's exposure to hot baths, there is a significant increase in sperm count, and motility, as well.

Researchers were able to observe a whopping 491% increase in sperm count upon the cutting back of hot baths exposure on those men who participated in the study.

Through this data, I think this also clearly explains why sperm count of men in certain countries dropped when there is more hot running water around.

On the other hand, this also explains why in certain countries during colder seasons, the percentage of pregnancy increases.

More Health Benefits From Cold Showers Explained

Among the many benefits of cold showers include boost testosterone level and male fertility. Now, we'll go over numerous other health benefits as listed below;

1. Improves Blood Circulation

Erection is vital for erections and cardiovascular health, plus it helps accelerate recovery time every time you do cardio exercises and strenuous works. When cold water is applied to the body as in showering or bathing, blood rushes to the various body parts to keep them warm.

On the other hand, the effect of warm water when applied to the skin causes the blood towards the surface of the skin causing light-headedness and fainting.

But, when it comes to warming prior to main penis exercise routine, always use warm water, which is also applicable for penile hydro pumping routines.

2. Weight Loss Benefit

Exposure to cold water naturally stimulates the production of brown fats, which is involved heavily when it comes to burning energy. Brown fat cells burn glucose and produce as much heat energy for efficient fat burning. When there is an increased of brown fats increase, the body burns more energy resulting to more weight loss in overweight individuals.

Brown fats also offer protection against aging, diabetes, and obesity. Hence, there's a good whole bunch of reasons men with bulging belly fat should take cold showers very often.

In one studyREF, researchers found by activating brown fats through cold exposure, fatty acids are channeled into the brown fats efficiently.

3. Boost Lymphatic System

Lymphatic system does not contain blood, and does not have blood vessels. Its function is to carry white blood cells that handle infections, as well as waste products.

Since the lymph does not have blood vessels, the heart cannot pump blood into it, instead, it relies on muscle contractions that squeeze the lymph towards the thoracic duct where it mixes with the blood and other organs of the body.

So how does it benefit from cold showers/baths? When you're having cold baths, what do you experience? I hope you do feel it.

When the cold water hits the skin, especially the larger part of the body, it causes the muscles to contract.

In fact, the entire body shivers when subject to cold water. And although it's not fun as far as sensation sensed by the brain, it does good things to the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is very complex to explain especially for me, so I'll let you watch this video explaining more about it.

Detoxification is another benefit of whole body contraction through cold showers.

Many health gurus are promoting this method of detoxifying the body as it squeezes wastes and toxins out of the skin.

The detoxification process helps a person feel fresh, and a good skin health maintenance, as well making one look younger and cleaner.

4. Cold Bath/Shower Has An Anti-depressant Effect

During the early days, I'm no sure why but when I feel depressed I put a face towel on running water, squeeze it a bit, and rub it on my entire face.

It feels relaxing, and that experience led me to take a bath when I feel somewhat depressed, and it helped feel more relax.

Until these days, I still do it, and if I can't make it to the bath due to meetings, or perhaps some business matters, I simply go to the washroom, grab my face towel, or simply wet my hands and rub it on my face.

Nothing feels more relaxing that that and combine it with a few deep breathing, and I'm more relax and ready to face the hard situation again.

Some therapist advice their depressed clients to take a bath as cold water helps relieves stress.

This works through the invigorating effect that stimulates that part of the brain that sends noradrenaline, which is a chemical produced by the brain to help relieve depression.

The next time you feel confused, lonely, or whatever negative feeling, try to get a cold shower and observe how you feel after.

The old belief of this technique states that taking a bath especially an immersion in the river washes all the burdens.

Now, science has an explanation for it. Thanks to modern science. We can now experience happiness after taking a colds shower and rush of endorphin released allowing us to feel good, positive and on track once again.

5. Helps Focus Attention On Breathing

When you feel cold while bathing, breathing deeply is apparent. You will inhale and exhale deeply.

Getting into this situation, the body tries and fights the stress of the vasoconstriction, shock, and overall urgent need for oxygen to respire and maintain warmness of the body.

This is also some sort of practice or training, just in case you get into trouble in cold weather outdoors in the future, you will now have an idea how it feels and deals with it effectively.

6. Helps Achieve Good Sleep

Sleep is a very important factor for health, and cold shower helps achieve a good quality sleep.

In fact, those who have trouble getting sleep or Insomniacs are advised to take a cold shower prior to bedtime as this helps calm down the entire body and bring that feeling relaxed and feeling better.

7. Boosts The Immune System

One of the well-established benefits of cold baths is it helps boost the immune system. It increases the body's chances of resisting and fighting infections and diseases.

There are several studies found those who are taking regular cold showers. Moreover, cold showers also lower risk of developing diseases like hemorrhoids, flu, cancer, varicose veins, and colds.

Again, Thrombosis Research Institute in England conducted a study of individuals who took cold showers daily noticed an increase in the number of virus-fighting blood cells than those who took hot showers.

Researchers are convinced that the increase in metabolic rate activates and boosts the immune system resulting in the release of increased amount of white blood cells.

8. Boosts Metabolism

This is closely related to one of the benefits mentioned earlier, which is weight loss.

Taking regular gold baths has been established to aid normalization of an ideal temperature in human, and help regulate sweating.

For most people wanting to lose weight, it's a slow metabolism causing the difficulty and a struggle to lose weight.

If you're one of those who has a hard time losing weight, try incorporating in your weight loss routine, cold showers, and baths.

Do it daily and see if you get efficient at losing weight. It also facilitates a quicker development of muscles and cells making any exercise you do a lot more effective.

9. Skin Health Maintenance

Cold water protects the skin from irritation and dryness, as well as the hair. Itch receptors in the skin don't react or work with cold water, or cold in general.

Additionally, cold water helps in closing the pores and cuticles leaving you with a healthy and youthful looking skin.

Well, I hope you enjoy reading it, and it looks like I almost forgot something to mention when it comes to testosterone boosting technique.

I'm not sure if you've tried or read about testicular massage, as it has been thought to increase testosterone level, too; although, there is not much scientific evidence to back it up.

Whether it's scientifically true, or not, I've been doing it from time to time, and it does feel good. So, based on actual experience, it does help. It's up to you if you want to try it, too!


Lastly… let me leave you with this video as a conclusion. Cold showers or baths can help you get out of your comfort zone eventually making you do what you really want to do.

No holding back!

And just a tip, if you're among those who are hesitant about penis enlargement, taking a cold shower while making your decision to pursue it could be helpful. It's just a suggestion.

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