A man's effort to boosting his fertility may have no match against being sedentary. Probably, the easiest way to become sedentary is binge-watching TV.
Unfortunately, in 2013 Harvard reports a study that excessive hours sitting while watching TV has negative impact on sperm count. The researchers found that men watching TV for 20 hours or more have half sperm count than men who are watching the least.
On the other hand, men who exercise regularly not only boost their fitness and sex drive but also increases their sperm count. Unfortunately, regardless of regular exercise, binge-watching TV seems to cancel the benefits.
What's even worse is that men binge-watching TV with habitual alcohol consumption reduces semen quality1. Although semen and sperm are different, the semen is responsible in carrying the semen from the point of ejaculation.
Hence, if the there is a decrease in sperm count and lack of semen quality, this is a perfect recipe for male infertility.
Later Study Supports Previous Findings
In 2016, the DailyMail reports a Danish study that finds just over 5 hours of watching TV can cut sperm count by 30%.
You might want to know if the effects of watching TV is similar to sitting in front of a computer. However, this is not the case. The researchers only find spending hours watching TV is linked with lower sperm counts, but not when sitting in front of a computer.
In that same year, James Levine, M.D, Ph.D says that excessive hours of sitting has similar negative effects as cigarette smoking.
Binge-Watching TV and Depression
Binge-watching TV does not only affect male fertility but also link to depression and loneliness. One study2 finds that binge-watching affect mental and physical health.
Literature shows that TV viewing (especially screen time) is associated with poor mental and physical health outcomes. With the advent of novel media for viewing television, “binge-watching” is a growing public health concern that needs to be addressed.
Netflix Makes It Easy To Binge-Watch
If there is one thing today that can make any person binge-watch, it's Netflix. Most people consider it relaxing and it's a good past-time.
But is it really good for you? Studies and experts say that binge-watching can cost your health.
Final Thoughts
Watching TV may not be bad after all especially if the shows are carefully chosen and limiting the number of hours. Regardless of how relaxing it feels, excessive hours in front of a television set is inactivity.
Our bodies need movements and we should move more often. Even light movements like walking and doing house chores are good physical activities. So, keep moving and limit your screen time especially at night.
Television sets emit blue light that is harmful to eye health. Studies find that long hours of screen time including TV and smartphone can cause blindness.
Therefore, binge-watching TV reduces sperm count and can cause blindness. Probably, there are even more side effects to it especially that is linked to anxiety, depression and loneliness.